Looking to volunteer in Auckland?
Collaborate helps match volunteers with charities and community organisations that need their specific skills, interests and the time they have available.
We are making it easier to do good in your community!
Meet the Auckland team!
“I volunteer because I wanted to make a positive impact in my community. Living in Auckland I sometimes feel disconnected from a small community and the benefits that can have. So volunteering gives me a sense of community. I love meeting volunteer organizations that are making a measurable impact in our society. I learn new skills and meet new people in my area. Whilst giving a helping hand to organizations that rely on volunteers. It’s a win win!”
“I was introduced to how amazing volunteers are and the impact that they have on communities and families when my daughter underwent two open heart surgeries as a 5 and 12 year old. The lollipop crew were amazing for not just my daughter over her time in starship but myself and my mum also. Because of these incredible young adults I am now in the volunteer space doing my bit for my community to help and inspire others the way they did me.”
Be the heart of Tāmaki Makaurau