
Looking to volunteer in Christchurch?

Collaborate helps match volunteers with the organisations that matches their specific skills, interests and time they have available.

Collaborate makes it easier to find where you can do good in your community today.


Meet our Christchurch team

I volunteer because it’s a part of who I am and it’s a great way to live in to my values of generosity and growth. Volunteering takes me out of my own head and situation and reminds me that I’m part of a community. Serving brings me joy, allows me to build new skills and connects me with people who I might never have met otherwise. Above all, it’s awesome to be able to support volunteer organisations who are doing great work in our world - from nurturing our environment, to providing safe spaces for our rangatahi, to lobbying the government for positive change.
— Sophie
In 2020 one of the biggest things our Ōtautahi team is focusing on is recognising that so many people already give to their communities, whether through volunteering or through a culture of service within their existing networks. We want to make volunteering and community service part of the culture of Christchurch so that we grow an inclusive and sustainable new city ☀️
— Alexandra
Christchurch art gallery

Help keep

Ōtautahi beautiful


Get to know the community organisations you can volunteer for in christchurch